Is It Time To Reboot Education?

I recently shared Cisco’s The Learning Society and the 21st Century Learner with my Assistant Superintendent of Instruction. His reaction was that he had no choice to agree with about 90% of Cisco’s thesis which simply stated is the current pedagogy has been refined to the point of diminishing returns. In other words greater and greater sums of money will give us smaller and smaller student achievement improvements since the current state of education has already been refined for so many years.  What do you think, is it time to reboot education? I believe that collaborative learning leveraging video technologies to close the digital divide is imperative to make the outcome of instruction zip code independent. I believe that this sort of disruptive change is just what the doctor order to give us double digit gains in student achievement scores. Here are the links to:

The Learning Society

The 21st Century Learner

Is it time for disruptive change in education?